
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


The Steady Community now sends out over 1.5 million emails a month – that's a lot!
To make sure they get sent quickly and reliably to your members' inboxes, we have made a lot of improvements and changes over the last few weeks, and we're continuing to fine-tune our email sending infrastructure.
We're saying goodbye to passwords and hello to one-time codes! After the switch, you’ll no longer need a password for Steady. Instead, you can log in with a code that we’ll send to your email address.
Why are we doing this?
Our goal is to make your experience on Steady easier, more seamless and, above all, secure.
  • Easy Access
    : Creating an account and logging in to manage your memberships and access content should be straightforward and stress-free. One-time codes make it super simple to log in and manage your memberships, so you can focus on your content.
  • Seamless Imports
    : More and more media makers are moving their membership community to Steady. Previously, people had to set up their password before they could access their membership benefits after a migration. Now, they’ll just sign in with their email address – easy!
  • Better Security
    : One-time codes add an extra layer of protection against sneaky tactics like password reuse and stuffing attacks. These attacks involve strangers attempting to log in to Steady accounts using passwords that were leaked from insecure platforms. Plus, this system will notify you if someone is attempting to access your account.
You only need to enter the code once per device or browser. After that, you will remain logged in until you choose to log out. Please note that a new login method will be introduced gradually over the next few weeks. You may not see it immediately.
Our good friends at have just launched their Steady integration. From now on you can publish exclusive episodes on Steady directly in your backend, just like normal episodes. Just click on the arrow next to the "Create episode" button and select "Publish to Steady".
Following our recent discussion in the Slack Community, we've implemented a new feature: a Drip Campaign Trigger for "Trial converted to paid." This new trigger allows you to set up automated campaigns that activate when a member transitions from a trial period to a paid membership.
With this feature, you can now send special offers and tailored communications specifically after a member starts paying. This is a great opportunity to engage your audience right at the moment they commit to your membership, enhancing their experience and potentially increasing their long-term loyalty.
We've made a further improvement to the Member CSV export. It now contains the Plan ID, to make it easier for you to differentiate between different plans, even if they have the same name.
This was requested by Julian in our Slack Community – thank you for the feedback!
Ever been annoyed by the phrase "(opens in a new tab)" sneakily attaching itself to the links you were copying? 🤔 Well, we've got some good news for you! 😃
We've been working diligently to find a solution that would not only improve your copy-pasting experience but also maintain our commitment to accessibility. We're happy to say that we've found a way to prevent the phrase from being copied along with the link, while still keeping it for our screenreader-enabled friends. 🔧😇
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused in the past, and we're grateful for your patience and understanding. 🤝😌
Now, you might be thinking, "Steady's comment section has always been a haven of positivity and constructive feedback. Why the change?" Well, while it's true that our community is filled with wonderful people who uplift and inspire, we also understand that every now and then, a comment might slip through the cracks that you'd rather not have on your post.
Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 13
So, we're handing over the reins to you, our esteemed media makers. With this new feature, you'll have the power to delete comments on your own posts, ensuring that your space remains as positive and welcoming as ever.
But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. 🦸‍♀️
When you wrote long comments with multiple line breaks and paragraphs, the text would save correctly in the database, but it wouldn't display correctly. We've fixed that, so now you can post your haikus, love letters, or even bread baking recipes and they'll look exactly as you intended.
Also, we've made the avatar images look crisper by doubling the resolution.
We've fixed a tiny but mightily annoying bug today: When you tried to type a & sign, it would be replaced with
in the Impressum text. Now… it's not anymore, as you'd expect.
Thank you to Florian for flagging this bug to us in our Slack Community.
Another small improvement today for those who get a lot of messages or comments: You can now control whether you receive email notifications for them in your notification settings.
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